You think this collab is for baby boi?
BBYBOI will be a more mainstream sound and MUSIC is the experimental album
Olympian is the Long Time/Over of MUSIC
did he mean 12 NOON PST?
do y’all think followercount being 13.1 million is representative of song count
PIERRE IS ON I AM MUSIC 😩😩😩 Oh my gawd
strong feeling fomdj is vaulted for good 💔
beno now is NOT the fucking time😭
imma be the first to listen to i am music on windows xp 😭
What yall’s fav carti song before I AM MUSIC.
there will be a v2 grail on the album
My top 3 Carti tracks b4 MUSIC
Manifesting this tonight 🤞🤞
Could this be the kendrick x carti don't they're taking about
i am music
🚨BREAKING🚨 19toofar has gone mainstream
Feature Predictions?
The true dawn of the final day. We're in the endgame now.
Where do you guys predict MUSIC will rank in his discography
carti knows we wanted bald guy, he's def reading the subreddit
this corn guy gotta go
What if I am music was another single this whole time?
Swamp izzo new tweets
seems like new carti soon
die lit is insane