The OW community feels like widows 1 shot 1 kill is too oppressive. What changes would you make to widow that would allow her to keep her 1shot and stop their bitching?
So are we ready to acknowledge hero bans are the way to go?
I just want to know where my f***ing Spectre is?
How many SVP's until I get to say it actually IS my team's fault
Is every dominos this pretentious?
Drop your wallpaper 🎀
Dog people posting in cat subreddits
Most Annoying team i’ve ever faced tbh
How young is too young to play Mortal Kombat
By the way, Magik has falloff damage on her basic attacks
Looks like Aspinall Jones aint happening
Devs. I’m begging you to add hero bans to low ranks.
What kind of player am i based on my profile
gotta love life weaver, right guys??
Time to feast!!!
She let her hair down and looked so beautiful.
Opinion on hero bans for competitive?
Actual Reason To Not Play?
Everyone waiting on that hela hawkeye nerf, i want this girls ult to sufffer some
Magik by Monori Rogue
How JQ mains feel after picking the smallest tank in the game with Ana, Juno and saying "GG no heals"
First it was 2 days then 3 weeks now it’s 3 months
Why Do You Join Comp Just to Be AFK or Not Try?
Junpei lacks common sense