This is my last interaction on reddit
[A LEVEL] why can't my answer be C?
Why didn't Raj ...
Oxford In/Out Post
How do US colleges Interviews work?
How much math is there?
19 x 7 = 133???????
KCL admissions office called me is it normal?
Man test: is this cool?
Inaccurate maths or Jim misspoke?
The only neutral taste is saliva. It doesn't have a taste since you taste it all the time.
Math Problems
Very good
Please help me, my mental health is ruining everything
Majority goes to yes😂
How do I go about solving these? What's the method to find a possible factor, and how does the last one work?
I never had a full mark in a test before
2025 is going to be a great year! Look at this exciting property of the number, that was revealed to me in a dream.
What do you think happened to Dennis Kim after giving up his science prospects?
How tf do you solve this?
Hahaha funny number
Oxford offers day
Science Buzzwords 🥸
I got 7/10 💪
Reddit told me my awards are expiring today, so I'm giving them away.