Shanika and Bowen S9
Things the judges say a lot
How do you rank the judges from favorite to least?
Has Blanche ever cooked?
this is the classic episode where robert is another example of a better husband for Debra, Raymond is a toxic condescending evil liar!
Thoughts on this guy?
Did Marie have any friends?
Got any pet peeves? Little details that bug ya?
What are some things that irritate you about the show?
Would you rather: Be the sole survivor or have an epic chase scene?
Were Debra & Cheryl inappropriately dressed for PTA meetings?
Supporting/Minor Characters that got on your nerves
Danielle Van de Kamp
Lynette! Just let it go... arghhh
What you think was the meanest thing Frank said to Marie?
The only reason why I don't like mk1
Susan is a terrible teacher
how do i tell my barber i want this haircut
If you were a wrestler what era of WWE would you be a part of?
How could chef's aprons have worked?
Did anyone feel bad for Denny Corea in S2 E4 Legacy episode?
Episodes where you didn't fault the killers
Everyone called Rose dumb but at least she didn’t let a total stranger scam her out of 2000 dollars 😂
If you were on Masterchef would you talk back to the judges?