Can someone explain.
Week 4 icons. Based on the cards that have dropped in fc mobile korea/japan and china. They are categorised by their likehood. Not confirmed tho
MVP just 1 win and 2 goals away from being a 107. Sadly no WF or skill moves upgrade possible
TOTY Honorable Mentions
New TOTY leaks!!!
stam or nesta?
Henry or MVB?
Benfica and barca paying tribute to the most selfless player of this generation 🥰🥰
Toty week 2 shard costs
Is this a weekly thing?
Anyone know whens this game? They have been hyping it up every match.
Guys ek doubt
Rohit Sharma Stunning look
Tryna sell my account.
Suggest me a good Winter wonderlands player for 450 tokens.
Which striker should i get?
I need to sell my account
Kompany or Zanetti for my team
What we thinking bout him?
Wth?? No gift box??
Recommend an attacking CM under 1 Bil
Dilemma(team on 2nd slide)
Who should i get from the WW event?
If kanye were to drop a collab album with an underground or lesser known artist, who would you want him to work with?
Got him from 2.5k gems