Are the eyes too small?
any name suggestions?
Can I say "I'm a trans girl" ?
Wolverine in fog
I don’t know what to do…
Song recommendations?
Tank mates for tiger barbs and Cory’s
Do I need to replace my substrate? GH too high!!!
Pictus catfish + betta, cory and tetra?
silly art :D
Stocking ideas for a 55gallon. With corydoras!
Would this food do for some young cory’s?
tiger spotted you ur 3rd emoji is ur reaction! >:D
Should I get more corydoras for my 55gal?
First tank hardscape feedback
Clothing Euphoria
These beautiful dogs are a cross between a German Shepherd and a Mexican Wolf
First fish tank at 14 rates and suggestions plz
I want to share my newest set up! 🌱
I'm starting to think it's a bit ugly... I'd like your honest opinion, should i cover it?its even possible to cover it?
AIO? Friend chased down opossum to kill it
Is my tank ready for some bronze cories?
Unicorn? And no idea the blue one