Linda and Michael between takes...
Fox News published Philly's DA announcement but changes the narrative.
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"Starcraft isn't dead" and a shooter is in incubation, says insider
Yvonne Craig, aka Batgirl, looking sassy - 1960s
What is your equivalent of 555 phone numbers? I mean things that remind you that you're watching a film?
Double signature has to be pretty rare right?
Perils in Paradise Bundle Giveaway! Win 1 of 50 codes for 60 packs, 2 random legendaries, and Hakkar card back!
Plz help me find the title of this 80's maybe early 90's horror movie.
A low budget horror moviescene embedded in my brain, but unable to find the title.
[TOMT] Plz help me find the title of a movie.
Help me find the title of this movie please.
What is a flex you're proud of but too embarressed to show it off?
Has anyone EVER rolled a double with this card??
Even after 10 years it's a "must kill" for me!
29.0.3 Patch Notes
The gunshop scene in T1.
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What unlicensed themes would you like to see made?
Endings that give you chills?
Admit it, you knew where this was headed 3 seconds into the vid
T-800 original design
Milli Vanilli were very cool until they were exposed during a 'live' performance on MTV when a song they were miming to began skipping and they became the only artist ever to be stripped of their Grammy, 1990
Why did they make it so that whenever somebody time travels they have to be naked? Did James Cameron just REALLY want to see Schwarzenegger’s naked cheeks in the first two movies?
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