Looking for friends not trolls
We've done Sophist, Brent, and Vernias, now, drop a TcNick3 quote
Ninja Lucina & Chrom (comm by @misa_fullmetal, joint with lampreylarry)
Summer Lucinas (by a_meno_0)
Who is your favorite character in awakening?
which crossover would you rather see first? and what do you think the plot/style of the games would be? (not counting mario & sonic olympics/smash bros/etc.)
Lucina taking a break from training (_snze)
Looking for friends not trolls who destroy stuff
Looking for friends not trolls who destroy things
Offering 50k rsr for luminosity shadow
Winter Grima + extras
Interesting that we haven’t gotten another fire emblem Anime since 1996
Will I miss out on a lot not having Awakening DLC?
I Learned today these share VA (FE & MK)
What pairings started as popular but then ended up being the most hated?
What Fire Emblem song had you like this?
Should there be Fire Emblem fighting game?
F Robin realising that she can't be paired with M Robin at Christmas because he already has a Winter alt.
How can I enable spotpass on citra for fe awakening?
How would you design a wound system for Fire Emblem?
What if...?
Venom Lucina