Emergency surgery at 5 months pregnant
Umbilical hernia during pregnancy?
Any biologically childfree people here? What's your sign and why don't you want kids?
How often does your partner brags about you openly?
Currently dating a Sagittarius women
earth signs is it just me or are you obsessed with fire signs🤭
Do sagittarius tease/joke on/ be very playful with people they love?
Are these ceramic pans good quality and somewhat non toxic?
This really isnt mom related but why are the men on here so annoying 😂
Friend has no boundaries with her kids
Lost my kid for a minute today
Do You Clean When They Nap?
Moms that keep the house clean 24/7 and feel like they do well in all other areas of motherhood what’s your secret?
what is your favorite water sign?
Struggling not lifting my toddler post birth
What’s another day without showering, am I right moms?
Anyone else's little pickle obsessed with pickles?
Which signs?
My almost 5 year old is peeing every 5 minutes
My Nextdoor neighbour
15 month old is a demon
if you had a child and they turned out to be the zodiac sign you hate the most, how would you react?
My daughter is so nice and polite, I hate that kids are mean to her
Older kids don’t have to watch their younger siblings.
I think my only option is divorce.