Vyper model launched in White Dwarf! (March 1997)
Rules question.
Are Infernus Marines (any) competitive in #40K?
Are #Infernus (any) competitive in 10th #40k?
What chapter are these guys?
LVO Changes
Is there some "Exaction Squad" group or reddit community?
Vehicle options for the watch
first try at a 1k list
Inquisitors and Kill Teams
Kill Team Volkus terrain propaganda walls.
My first attempt at OSL with an airbrush. Where to improve?
Best Starter Paint Colors?
THE *NEW DW DETACHMENT* TOURNAMENT EXPERIENCES- focus on tournament experiences with the new index.
Angels of Death vs Corsairs on ITD (Gallowdark) - any thoughts on strategies/tactics?
I was homeless and living with addiction for over 10 years...I e finally found a space I can unpack and be myself.
Alt Colors for Deathwatch?
Maybe a little bit dumb question, but can i play Kill Team, using WH40K minis?
Another Tracker Post
Woops...I made Joe Biden
Ork Kommandos
Question about Pariah Nexus deck
My Kill team board starting to take shape.
Warp Coven: The Brotherhood of Phobos finished Kill Team.