Tama Mail! Tamagotchi mix for 120€ probably not the best deal but the shell is so pretty!
Frage an Medizinstudenten
Connor Fanart by me! Did not turn out the way i wanted it but oh well
Of course they’ll choose the correct one right…RIGHT?
Ständiges Herzklopfen macht mich fertig
Chill Connor…
Mensa 1,50 Nudeln mit Grünkernragout und 1,20 aus der Salatbar also 2,70€ insgesamt
(Rant) Warum geht man krank in die Uni
Wie längere Study-Session haben?
Be honest, why are you single?
Doctor says my ekg is normal....even though the ekg system it says that i have abnormaö St and T and says i have inferior ischemia or a left ventricular load?
20 reasons why Anki isn't popular
Your soup is almost finished!
i fully believe that this subreddit is 50% of my problem. you people make me feel disgusting.
Gute Cafés zum Arbeiten bzw. Lernen
What's a popular study technique that doesn't work for you?
No even close to 8. Idk why I was lazing around today
Are there people that actually study 7-8 hours everyday.
Most unrealistic thing I've encountered thus far
My chocolate was just dry cocoa.
Estimate for carrot cake
Wie intelligent muss man für das Medizinstudium wirklich sein?
What are your wishlist for the next year?
Cant Launch Stardew Vally Extended. I downloaded the newest files and also the other required files like farm type manager and content patcher and put them in the mod folder like the guide said (the portrait mods for example works completly fine :(. Also cant create a config.jsf data.