GW doesn't made BA Assault terminator squad so i made mine
It's been a month. What are the general thoughts on the Servants of Freedom?
My corrupted Yndrasta
Well that was horrible to assemble! Now the age-old question: Brutalis? Or DC dred?
Yeah, I know, the Librarian Dreadnought doesn't exist in the codex anymore, but is that really a problem? (the sword is from the Nemesis Dreadknight)
My last mini of 2024, The Sanguinor with Yndrasta's wings (Last pic, Dante with Sanguinor original wings)
So Corbulo is no longer in the codex? He still remains in my heart!
Sternguard Veteran Squad finished
First mini of the year (Guardian Angel by ArtelW)
Horus Rising in my ass
My Ancient Rylanor on Istvaan III, with bits from liberdaemonica (link in comment)
My first diorama : Lucius and Saul Tarvitz on Istvaan III
Should I repaint my first mini?
Who got their Blood Angels Army Box
For the Angel ! (details in comment)
My Company Heroes (with some bits from Sanguinary Guards and one Deathwatch's pauldron)
Silly mistake
Fuck Erebus
Who would win: a super soldier with both gene-seed and Chaos on his side, or a shovely boi?
I’m…im not sure how to feel about this.
Got this in the mail today, a 11th Doctor sonic screwdriver replica by Gene Mamangun !
Gamers angry at me for pointing at the fact that Dragon's Dogma 2 making fem bodies less muscular than masc is outdated.
Leandros fucked up before
What do you think about my Bladeguard team
I mixed the old and the new Terminator librarian, here is the result