Favorite Haneke stare?
Low effort meme I made
Relatable post I saw on Twitter.
Relatable meme I saw on Twitter.
What’s a film you guys would like to see added to the collection?
Seriously, what better sequel is there than Terminator 2?
Looks like he won't be kraving a sequel
Best Picture nominees according to Letterboxd
The Revenant (2015)
tldr; get a REAL job you lazy leaches
343 Dropped Halo 5’s Story due to Negative Fan Feedback
Best song from Gumball?
Did Tarkovsky speak Swedish when he made The Sacrifice? Are there any directors who made films in a language they don’t speak?
Media like the games?
Mary Sues are only hated because they're female! No one complains about perfect unbeatable male characters with no flaws beca-
Minimal but effective use of violence in films
Imagine making something so viscerally repulsive that even the French hate it
What do You guys think of Michael Haneke first trilogy of movies on the collection?
What’s the worst film of 2024?
Anyone seen Megan is missing?
'Harold and Maude' had Cat Stevens music, and 'The Graduate' had Simon & Garfunkel music...
What is the Best Film You Watched from 2024?
Charli’s Letterboxd account reviews