TIL the British pet massacre was a week-long event in 1939 in which an estimated 400,000 cats and dogs, a quarter of England's pet population, were killed so that food used for animals be reserved to prepare for World War II food shortages.
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
TIL the term "fragging" originated during the highly unpopular Vietnam War, when U.S. soldiers would kill a fellow soldier, usually a superior, using a fragmentation grenade to make it look accidental.
TIL William Shatner told Star Trek fans to "get a life". In a 1986 'Saturday Night Live' skit, the actor tells obsessed fanboys "it's just a TV show!" The SNL segment accurately portrayed Shatner's feelings about Trekkies, who had unrelentingly pestered him since the original 1960s 'Star Trek'.
If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?
PSA: Continuously shooting a tank machine gun draws needless attention to the tank and increases the likelihood of the tank - and you, and the driver - being destroyed.
Amos or Mort, who's your favorite Sheriff?
A Killing In Cork
Blocking the tank repair station
TIL Michael O'Leary, Ryanair CEO, bought a taxi license plate in 2004 under the name O'Leary Cabs, with only one vehicle, his own Mercedes, so he can legally use Dublin bus lanes
Dasani water now sells water without salt.
Turn cross play off, thank me later.
Seth seems to have been moonlighting….
Who killed J.B. Fletcher? s7e14
Stop Being a POS and Take Care of Your Baby
What’s the best NSFW tip you wish others knew?
7-eleven pricing beer by the foot
I surely hope treyarch realizes how much people hate these 2 maps based on vote data..
What is one thing you think every British person has in their home?
What’s a completely normal thing you’ve never done that shocks people when they find out?
I had an Xbox One,now a Series X. If they don’t support Bluetooth….
Going prone during 1v1
Hallo fellow Americans!
FML This is what I get for complaining about HeGetsUs
TIL that in 1916 the US bought the Danish West Indies from Denmark for $25,000,000 in gold to turn them into the United States Virgin Islands