What makes Mexican food in the US so good?
Life changing event and a question
Jan. 13th Webinar: Defending the Dignity of Trans and Non-Binary People in 2025 and Beyond
Volunteering opportunities to walk/play with dogs ?
Brief initial thoughts on the Episcopal church
Apparently mechanical wristwatches are making a comeback. Do you still use one or have you gone smart?
Protein shakes cause flairs?
I’m going to get confirmed in May 🎉
Republicans are disrespectful and shameless
Help request from a South Carolinian
I smell, and leak maybe?
Helppppp pregnancy scare/ plan b!!!
Wedding dress regret
In your nightmare, you open a fridge, this is its content.
What does my fridge say about me?
Gift from family… idk how to feel-?
4WPO, have very sore throat
I’ve got a ton of jewelry from my mom and am not trying to waste anyone’s time but would like to get what money I can out of stuff that may be worth something
Help! Candy crush is ruining our marriage.
anyone get a colonoscopy?
I'm Struggling With Faith & Belief
Any Episcopalian who would like to share a mystical experience?
I feel fucking defeated with shelters
Looking gorgeous DINKS to hang out with
Yellow spot on pillow this AM