Having a tough time at the moment, so taking that time to reflect on how far I've actually come. It's easy to forget and sometimes that reflection helps you see everything can get better ❤️
Do I pass? Age 27 (28th on the 10th)
Felt cute might delete later
Perfumes and smells that don’t instantly give teenage vibes
1 year 5 months
My new favorite dress : an authentic 1950s dress!
Chat am I cooked? What can I do to improve? (5 months hrt)
Does my boymode fail?
gender me?
Euphoria mode: Activated! What do y’all think?
6 years into transition, no FFS yet, no more facial hair. How am I doing?
Face pass? Body?
Age? Gender? First impressions? Brutal honestyplspls
Is this a glow up? (-1.5 yrs hrt / 4 years hrt)
3.5 years E, no surgeries, non binary
Oestrogen is one hell of a drug 2022 - Present Day
Do I pass, and what age would you say I am?
Am I paranoid ?
Got this cute cardigan off Depop from someone. What should I tell my mom this design is? Wrong answers only
Do I pass better with or without glasses
Dress I recently wore to a wedding reception!
What name might suit me? I'm struggling! 😭
Do I still come across fem with no makeup?
Would a nose job improve things? How am I doing for 6 years? Side profile included
Be honest, can’t be worse than my current opinion