The Americas: but with much less colonization (REMAKE)
Tamalpais: The California Jewl, a Bay Area Indigenous State
Afghan-Sikh War: What if Afghanistan and the Sikh Empire had a Iran-Iraq War
The African Continent, 2024, a more stable Africa
The Republic of The Mississippi and his Overseas Possessions in 2025 AD
CIA WORLD FACTBOOK: Tawantinsuyu (Incan Empire) in 2024
THE END OF THE NUMUNUU MOON: What if the Comanche had a massive empire?
The World in 2064 (better quality version in comments)
The Tlingit, Haida, Nuu-Chah-Nulth Empire: The United Dominions of Aani, 1933AD
Italia Invicta! The world as of 1935
THE VIPER STATE: The American State of Equatorial Guinea
AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL: The United Republics of America and her Autonomous Zones
"The fuckin' ugly Reds" - A map based on Hong Kong 97 (videogame)
ARBOREA: The Far Left Free Territory in the Pacific Northwest
CIPANGU, ANAHUAC, & ABYA YALA; The Americas with much less Colonialization
AURORA: The Republic of the Arctic
ARAB UNIFICATION WAR: One of the most infamous conflicts of the 20th Century
Maggie's Disaster, What if Britain nuked Argentina in the Falklands War?
Today the Pacific. Tomorrow, the world - what if Arasaka (sort of?) won the Fourth Corporate War?
What if Kazakhstan ruled Central Asia and became a super-country??? (NO LORE)
Great Baivya: The San Francisco Bay far into the future
Nuclear Nations in 2036, (timeline with more isolationist US after 1986)
A prosperous Djibouti? Hussein Iraq in 2036? Kurdistan!? The Middle East in 2036 sure is unique, (Point of Divergence in 1986)