Wen flight?
Ah shit, here we go again.
Spacex lore in pictures.
I am John resale value, inventor of resale value, AMA!
Will this effect the resale value?
Why doesn’t downloading files on to a device make it heavier?
Scrub ☹️
Less than one hour until launch!!!
Outjerked by the daily mail.
When will the Artemis III crew be announced?
Got back from deployment, just in time to catch the launch!
Finally getting stacked!
How Rockets Land
That’s a big f’ing water tower!
Is this a reference?
Jak him.
Outjerked by one of the popular subreddits.
Is there anywhere to post psychological shit like this?
Hey guys I just got hit by stupid drunk driver and now I have a rotator cuff tear and it’s really embarrassing when I try to raise my hand to ask a question in class.
Trump did this 😡😡😡
I dropped my AirPods in the toilet and now I can hear my ass
Do the characters include their ears when measuring each other?
When was the last time you laughed at your own joke?
Redditors when someone thinks Bluey is a boy.