Why are so many communist subreddits filled with state capitalists
Invading Greenland
Posting Ancom Propaganda 1: Tankies call us liberals (i got banned from r/socialism)
got banned from r/socialism and r/asksocialists am i a true commie now
What is one thing you want to see Donald Trump do during his 2nd term ?
So? … who is it?
I need this sub to help me decide for a social. Which is the best pizza style?
A full universe with no eternity or devoid universe with a full eternity?
Guess my age based on my home screen
Im pretty new to the whole socialist - ideology, but I don't know much about the ideology, can anyone help?
'Communism = 85 million dead' — French poster published by the National Front (ca. 1998) showing Communist Party leader Robert Hue alongside Stalin, Lenin and Marx.
I'm a straight, cisgendered male anarcho-communist AMA
Which story is real?
Looking for a good globe earth debate without fallacious reasoning and or pseudoscience. So far, all I get is heliocentric religious fundamentalist zealots!!!
Revolutionary Albuquerque
im an american patriot ask me anything
Any of you idiots actually follow socialism/communism?
🇻🇪The Party for Socialism and Liberation condemns the ongoing U.S. campaign to undermine Venezuela’s democracy and independence. U.S. hands off of Venezuela!
Factions of the Democratic Party (US)
Leftist motherfuckers on any actual climate action
Communism is not the answer
Even more proof r/socialism is tankie nonsense. I replied to a post of someone else getting banned for calling the USSR totalitarian, apparently im a liberal now
It's official, left wing libertarians are now "liberals"
Wiki's down so I drew anfem and anqueer high
Women's rights in the past 100 years