I (33F) found out the guy (37M) I’m seeing was married and I left him peacefully. Now my family and friends are telling me I should tell his wife.
My sister’s work is asking her for my medical certificate
Real Estate agent requiring me to pay arrears
The guy that friendzoned me has me confused
BUPA medical
Fired while waiting for WorkCover
Visa sponsorship
July Intake
Fired without warning/s
It hasn’t been 24hrs since my ex(36M) and I(31F) broke up.
Weekly Gacha and Drops Megathread (December 25, 2022)
Should I Buy a Gift for a Girl I'm Interested in Before She Goes Away?
Pay in lieu of notice of termination. Am I entitled to it?
My bf said he’s not physically attracted to me anymore but still loves me. I’m confused.
I think Amber still wants Johnny’s attention
I have decided to join the lingling club. 30F with no music background. I have decided to learn how to play the violin. Wish me luck guys 😃😃