Is it weird to put a PC and desk in the living room?
alternative servers for the discord? looking for a more adult server
Pricing on a handheld
Good job at rejecting the contract, I heard about it on the radio today. $30 an hour should be mandatory
Just joined the game from the switch release! Anyone feeling stuck?
Heart diamonds might be controversial, but I’m head over heels for mine 🥰
YOU have free will!!!!!! (use it)
[tesla dashcam] look at this
Wedding venues at a decent price
This is not just a filter!!
Trying to find this way of hair removal to talk to my doctor about, please help!
When did your office (area) change?
Gunshot to fingers than ripping stitches on finger they saved
Cheating on your girl while she is pregnant is nasty work 🤦🏾♂️
I overpriced it
Is this a snap vid from a girl h think or am I tripping?
PSA These shipping crate doors in squid mission POIs are destructible and contain loot! I've seen many divers walk right past them and miss out on super credits.
how exactly do city carriers deal with this type of cold?
Joining friends suck
Perfect hell bomb kill
Update on Hook
I always wear my hair down, any hairstyle ideas to change it up a little?
The "Male Loneliness Epidemic" is not our fucking problem