Ooo which one to choose?
Me at 35 - Still playing Pokémon GO - How old are you?
Finally after years.. got my first one..🤫
Two unexpected shinies in one day 🥰
In your opinion, who is the most overrated comedian that Tony keeps/kept bringing back?
Pain in the ass these two 😑
Show ur most recent hundo
Caught these two with safari balls, unexpectedly spawned one after another right when I opened the game
How many have yall hatched?
Post the shiny you never knew you needed
What would you name your kids?
What are you naming you kids?
Show me your biggest Pumpkaboo!
Show me your first shiny in Pokemon Go. I’ll go first.
Got this guy after finishing Welcome Party 3/4 “complete 30 Party Challenges”
Which ones do you keep?
Can I say the thing? I'm gonna say it.
I need a name for my hundo Salazzle
I just want to like my 3 year old again :(
Omg this has to be one of the best shinies in the game
Do you have ridiculous names that you give your Pokémon? ( If you do please share it with me )
My lucky collection so far
I'm in pain. I can barely walk at this point
What’s your biggest flex pokemon? I’m not super high level but here’s mine
To those who had their first baby at 34 or later…
My small collection 🥰