Jed MacKay should have just written a Cyclops Solo series because these are the best issues that he’s put out so far?
What’s holding Scott and Jean back from being a good couple like they were in the 80s?
The Aura Cyclops & Magik had in this era was Uncanny!
It looks like we're going to have a Cyclops mini series, from tom brevoort newsletter
I fixed DC and Marvel. Who says no?
Are Miles Morales and Wally West the only two legacy characters that surpassed their mentors?
Which uniform is your favourite the 90s or Updated 90s retro from 2023 by Paolo Rivera
Who’s the better love interest Linda Park West or Mary Jane?
Who’s the better love interest Mary Jane or Linda Park?
Tom Brevoort got it right on this one
Namor the CEO of NTR
Which stage of grieving is this denial? [Astonishing X-Men #1]
Has anyone got their hands on Scott jays Wwe svr 2008 definitive edition yet if so what are your thoughts on it
Jean Grey #2(2023): Logan coming off as a "jerk" personality from X-Men #100. Truth revealed to 616 Jean Grey for his loner behaviour
Then there’s jeannie. Nobody’s ever loved me better. (X lives of Wolverine)
What is your scorching Hot take🔥on Wolverine?
That's weird. They shrank his shoulders, made him look soft.
Jean grey has a hall pass to sleep with other men (hellfire gala #1 2022)
Remember that time Black Cat hooked up with Wolverine? (Wolverine & Black Cat: Claws II #1)
Will Scott ever hear the end of It? [Steve Rogers: Super Soldier Annual]
Who's the best leader in Dc/Marvel?