This song is so good what was I thinking
I was blessed with a LIBAD box and got a good one.
What do you think of Mattel?
What’s the lore behind EA2?
1k budget - What is the best TV?
Someone in the comments wrote “avenged seventh grade” lmao
If Uzi were to do another collab tape, who would you want it be with?
I still think m shadows should release a Christmas song before Christmas Eve with pussy riot, get Wes lang on it too. Please
What is your favorite song from each album and why?
Okay, that’s it. Remember when a7x headlined Rocklahoma, and that random storm hit in the middle of the festival? I have a story to tell.
Pinkly Smooth
What’s your 2nd favorite band other than a7x and pinky smooth… any rap?
What is your least favorite A7X song and why?
Two bastards dropping another terrible take, out of all songs ever u picked that?
Never forget the true Brooks debut
I really hope Uzi never retires
If EA2 is truly a last “mid” album type deal then it just goes to show Uzi still in his prime tbh
Meteor man is the best EA2 song
Fuck it, I’m going to share list of songs and make everyone on here read this title describing what the list is about. Thanks for your time. But also, fuck it. STRENGTH OF THE WORLD
Every album so far has been a banger…
My Ranking of Every A7X Album
What would you do if you got stuck in the catacombs with dark M shadows?
Why isn’t mshadows an A list celeb? He should be at least as famous as Dave Grohl.
Is my best option?
Need help making a decision