Asked a question and yandev got a bit sensitive I understand he probably gets this stuff all the time (not supporting this soggy piece of garbage) “I don't think that it's logical to suggest that” I don’t think it’s logical to message minors 😒
Do we really need this guy to complete the rivals?
Am I the only one who has never known about this before? And why is that needed?
useless funfact: Have you noticed that water texture in fountain is a moon?
That's insane how much unnecessary lore the Saikō family members have
In a war between Ryoba and Hoshiko,Hoshiko wins for being just sadic,not mentally disturbed! Now last and least,who doesn't even appear on the game completely but Alex is for the lore?
Аэроразведка подразделения «Гюрза» 28-й ОМБр зафиксировала, что ДРГ ВС РФ переодевается в гражданскую одежду для передвижения по Торецку, Донецкой области
150 к долларов
Глава ВЦИОМ Валерий Федоров
Name major life event you went through during the entirety of YanSim’s development so far
What are your thoughts on this game called ‘Yandere School’?
i don't know why, but i don't think that's true :D
Another Yansim figure incoming
Surprisingly and sadly,Asu is forgotten by the fandom,and Chalex's most "wants to delete" rival. Now choose the gremlin,most upvoted wins!
Why is water so different everywhere in this game?
Real tho 😭
I agree with y'all,Jokichi is the most normal person in the history of Akademi! Now choose one of the many students who are forgettable in this game. I'll wait,most upvoted wins!
NO WAY: The Amai Father’s Name
Yes...take it seriously...
Why are the models ingame so badly designed?
If yandere simulator was actually released steam with the failed kickstarter promises what wold your review be like?
Give me a character and I'll give you 5 headcanons
Mai Waifu
He could simply say that Kizana won’t be added for the next 10 years…