"Holy" by SORNE (used in the Cult teasers) is hauntingly beautiful. Wish they used more of it in the promos.
Here's a pick-me-up of one of the best guest judges ever | Iconic lipsync.
Red tide
Literally fuck this dumb bitch at this point
I'm on episode 2 of this season and it's boring and predictable. Should I keep watching?
My favorite piper outfits
Happy 63rd Birthday to King Denis O’Hare
Does anyone remember season 6 being spoiled early on?
Putting personal gain aside, which of the sisters powers do you think would benefit you the best in your line of work?
Luxx on fans saying Drag Race needs to stop casting so many young queens
Reminder of a Canadian Winner
CMV: It's time to go back to, "May the best woman win!"
Why is Hormona Lisa so hated?
Fierce and Chezza on a date night to Wicked, CvTW2 forever
What would be your exit line?
I know a lot of people hated the 10 commandments killer storyline, but I loved it! The plot twist in episode 8 was everything, like i gagged
🎵 We deserve each other, me and...
Top 5 - Seamstress Edition
That there lever
LA Times Crossword serving Drag Race superfan today
Gokumon/Reapermon Preview for Digimon Card Game Booster Set 20
Which of the two "Country" performances was more "real country?"
favourite guest judge to ever to on the show?
Enjoying s17 so far, but istg, the age talk is going to kill me.
Obsessed with Victoria Scone having an arm wrestling booth at DragCon.