John Avon Art
How Many +1/+1 Counters?
[KCD2] Most psychopathic thing you've done in this game?
[SPE] Spider-man Panorama
I seriously honestly don't understand what everyone is so angry about.
[KCD2] So this place is.. Real?!
Out of everything else, we chose this to be the Title!?!?!
Pack 1 pick 1?
Share your mono Black Commander... That isn't Aristocrats!
Today I learnt
I quit
[KCD2] Vernon Roche from The Witcher
Started the hobby last week and decided on my hometown colours as a scheme. How is my work in progress looking?
These prices are wack right?
[KCD2] Discussing best girl
[Kcd2] Kind of bombed out.
Revealed Final Fantasy commanders
[KCD2] Two million copies sold in under two weeks!
The Nyanperor protects!
Fuck card skimmers man...
What is the best strategy for a Sauron EDH deck ? (focus on amass orcs or nah ?)
pre-order in game currency
My 11 year old son is very proud of his first Tau stealth suit!
Painted my first mini