[COD] Who is this, wrong answers only
Got my first tat and im not happy 🙁
LA Fire Relief Pack
[COD] Does anyone else know about Call Of Duty Monopoly?
Demons speaking to him 🤣
Crop top at the gym, yay or nay?
A friend’s house. I say it’s too high, he says no. Who’s right?
Roast my tribute to insecurity
Inspire someone today
How do you get over injury trauma?
Insane Gobblegum Luck!
Visiting family and came into this. Is it too high?
What do you inflate with??
"Downforce Syndrome"
I need someone to drive with me so that I can Complete the Grand Tour Quest
Settle a debate: if you got this candy in a gingerbread house kit, what flavor would you think this is?
Service dog meets his favorite Disney character
“I won’t pay that much, my friend does it for a coke and a bag of chips”:
My brother posted on this FB and I did a major double take!
Do we finally have our new Kino?
A friend at work asked if I still play RB. Sent him this.
Switched from series X to ps5 pro
He yearns for the outdoors
Good deal for €950?
Part of why I’m embarrassed to wear shorts.