What's wrong here peta?
Why is there a giant rubber fist on my nightclub desk?
Vicious mockery lines but more modern…
Kenny when...
Bring attention to Lost and Found Claim Ticket from Steam Workshop
whats a good loadout with bills hat?
how do i tell my barber i want this haircut
Toes who nose💀🗿☕
Idk if it’s just me, but does Elise have her name tattooed on herself?
I know everyone hates Sheldon, but what are your thoughts of Pedro?
Be honest, Lars looked pretty damn sick during the Black Album
I wish this game had a fear system. I mean, how many times do I have to whoop this guy’s ass before he gets the point?
My first vinyl record. Load, the best Metallica album (in my opinion)
I want to start a series of saw trivia, would you guys be down? It probably wouldn't always be daily bc I don't want to flood the subreddit but I think it could be fun. Here's question 1
What cosmetics should I use with the Bolshevik Biker?
Which of the non-clique male students should be kissable?
I just found out my uncle whos been on steam for almost 20 years owns the cheaters lament without knowing its worth
Monsters...it's time...
Femme Eddie Gluskin Cosplay
The memories are too painful… I never asked to have my soul be transferred into my daughter’s body, replacing hers… I wish I was the one who disappeared…
Uhh... I did not expect that to work...
James And His Cigars
Who is this? (Wrong Answers Only)
When GTA VI comes out, do you think there will be a ton of people saying that "GTA V is better than GTA VI" based on nostalgia?
Dog Completely Changed his colour in 2 years.