How do I create this in blender?
Ever since I beat my later brothers racing ghost in mario kart i felt guilty removing the one thing that reminded me of him.
Warcraft III for modern macs (64 bit version)
When seemingly innocent details are retroactively made darker by later lore reveals
Game recommendations similar to daggerfall?
All my files have gone from my computer to my iCloud
need help choosing mac for light gaming + school work
34M - Never had a girlfriend or a sexlife and intimacy
How vinyl works
What spells got you like:
Need an Updated Anwer! (Steam games on MacOS)
Do you think there will be a hackless version of pretendo for the 3DS
OSStatus Error 80 - Mac Time Machine & Synology
My Fellow Wizards.... have been we been wearing our robes incorrectly?
You have been wearing your robes incorrectly.
Too much Concentration,No Mindfulness leading to Numbness?
Which of the Apple silicon-native Resident Evil games is y'all's favorite?
I started making games 6 years ago, I have 10 unfinished projects, 0 released, and I'm starting a new one.
[Poetry] インターホンにハーモニカを付けると面白い
Resident Evil 2 Remake is now available on Mac!
NES controller stiffness
So... I'm working on a game model. It consists of 536 objects. Next step is baking. Should I keep everything separate or could I join all bolts into one object, all antislip into one etc etc?
"Realistic" graphics in modern AAA games are not pretty
Modern games that look and feel like NES games
Tired of Reforged? We are always ready to welcome you with open arms.
How to deal with anger