I'm amazed anyone finished this game, it's such an emotionally exhausting mindfuck.
Hubby bullied me for my hairstyle!
“I’m not that girl” means so much more to me as a black woman now
Creepy Paper
What Matt Berry pronunciation of a word cracks you up?
Parents outright refuse to help in any way
What will your country do
A girl begins to blossom into womanhood and people die
My boyfriend told me I’m ugly
What do you think will become the new “status symbols” in the next 3 years? Can be anything
Just got cheated on: Give me your top cheating revenge reccs 🤲
I just realized that pro-natalists are actually racists.
Would you date your LADS man irl?
What should I do?
Should i get an infusion? Please help anxiety is killing me
Some men just think women fertility and eggs dies after 30😭
Give this man his own show today!!! 😀
Your top 3 fav manga comics?
Is Violet Bridgerton a Bad Mother?
Save this D**n Comic??
Bridgerto/Queen Charlotte
What is something popular that does not interest you at all?
Okay, I have to vent about this!
How the hell do I shower more
What's up with the poorly researched Indian representation?