How do we feel about a Reproduction future for retro gaming?
Corroded battery left corrosion in battery terminal N3DS XL
Getting all consoles to Component
Why do I prefer the original 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" rendition instead of the remake?
Garrus...just stay away from everyone who's got a shotgun
That's a bit deeper than I expected Zaeed.
Yeah...about that....
Oh my god! End my misery.
Ummm guys, where did Kasumi and Miranda go?
Should I buy legendary edition?
How come American CEO's don't do this? What do they have to lose when they go from $100 million to $50 million? Their lifestyle remains unaffected.
Grandma keeps pressuring me to have kids
Tali' Zorah vas Normandy
What is James' fighting style called?
The difference between rock and metal is just vibes isn't it?
This isn't edited btw
What happens if the Green Party assumes the Democrats?
I made it worse
Recommended PVR-802W sellers
Is it weird that seeing this thing makes me hungry?
I was expected.
What? Only 5% Players Have This?
Repeatable Regret Bridge Nade Jump