Name our new sibling kittens, both are boys. Would love something that goes well together. We were thinking names like Sam and Frodo, Fred and George…need other ideas.
How can I shrink 100% Faroese Islands wool sweater?
Ukaž číču
Fantasy books for a 13 year old
First pop of this size. My boyfriend knows me well.
Máte nějaký France is bacon moment v češtině? Já začnu:
Jak jste se seznámili s vaší polovičkou?
Ženy a dívky, cítíte se v Česku utlačované muži? Doopravdy tu vládne patriarchie?
boyfriend won’t stop asking for sex 3 weeks after birth
Do other countries use the phrase “Pissing down” referring to very heavy rain?
AITA for telling my mom I don't care how my dad treated her?
Čím jste chtěli být jako malý?
Starting with collecting (I’m from the Czech Republic so it’s in Czech. Only the Haikyuu is in English). For the past 5 years I bought random mangas so now I want to really collect. First I want to fill in the Death note. Any recommendatitons?
Closing in on 100 volumes
AITA for asking my partner to shave their “happy trail”
Vypínáte Youtube videa, jakmile začnou autoři něco inzerovat?
Zdá se mi to, nebo Češi neumějí dobře přednášet, a obecně souvisle mluvit?
Kolik hotovosti u sebe nosíte?
how to say how in different languages
Confused about aftercare advice from artist - no soap and apply Vaseline only
“In the US you can go back to university at any age. In Europe, you basically get one shot.”
Why do you like or dislike snapchat?
What is a combination of colors or color you just absolutely hate?
If I have a new tattoo on my forearm (two weeks old) can I wear short sleeves outside if it’s rainy and cloudy?
I'm 14 and most of my school friends have already lost their virginity at age 13. Am I strange for thinking it is really wrong?