this sub is full of obviously fake screenshots but this is a new low
I had a date planned until she posted this to her story
Actors that could convincingly play mice?
Physics 1221 final and curve
out of state students, is it worth the tuition in your opinion?
easter bussy
I realized that I need to break away from my mega booby anime stick syndrome. I’m not good at this yet, but i’m trying! Constructive criticism? :)
Good places to learn about genetics?
A Girl of Small Statue
Fusion…. HA!
Simon Scowl
Me working at the FleshPitNationalPark and a college student pulls his pants down and poops into the pit itself
Chad Dad supports his daughter (and looks great)
Her Dad got some moves ! Coolest Dad ever !
AITA for "going" in the trees and getting caught, after getting food poisoning at a wedding?
How about I do, anyway?
The Lorax (2012) isn’t a bad movie
PMS Fever?
The "Wow she's literally me" starter pack
I’ve never seen a more absurdist simplification of the female form before. It’s kinda genius & deranged at the same time (art by Robert Crumb)
"Winter on neptune is the best season" starter pack
Spiral cinnamon rolls
Can anyone explain what this is?
I am scared
Denali with a bit of cloud cover