Is my hair wavy? My mum says I’m delusional and it’s straight and people at my school call it curly, what’s my wave type?
Desperately looking for a good pair of boots
6 month hair growth + learning to care for curls
Scanned and restored some old film slides for a friend.
Help I don’t like my new haircut 😭
What is expensive or hard to buy in Israel?
My hair after shampooing my lengths, using sulfates and silicones and using only drugstore products
Not your mother’s gel >>>
we dont Talk about Letters enough
Just took a gel tab of 300ug
Creeps on this subreddit
My face is blown out but it’s okay because my hair is the star
Do yall think Ketamine and Acid would be a good combination? I bought like 3 tabs of acid and 3 hits of ketamine and im thinking of doing a little cross tripping
How can I keep my hair out of my face?
Mdma is such a great party drug