The super boss mission is the last one left and it’s bull shit
Half tempted to replace Broly and Beast for TEQ UI and STR Evo
Just got sent this I would be receiving the 1.05 and Tracy.
Will I like Slay the Spire if I liked Balatro ?
I hate this stupid ass mission
Fuck you Dokkan and fuck you to whoever who came up w this mission
This mission was hard
How am I supposed to do that guys?
Best Build for new EZA LR TEQ Gods?
whos next in line
[Noob question] How do i get the lvl 5 add and dodge for this guy?
Got a second copy of TeqVegito, is there anything to use it for other than HiPo?
Omatsu’s favorite color is green
I've seen this somewhere before...
Boys Am I Cookin Or Nah ?
Best Builds for these guys?
Is he worth coining if I don't have him?
So what's the best build for him?
I thot it was common/uncommon/rare
how to be effective with rocket?
So I just found out about save and quit... my grip on reality has been shattered.
These cards popped into my head at 3am last night
Find a friend
Be honest how much money are yall spending on the 10th anniversary??