Gorgon - rend bot vs another evade?
Tanks/Healers abandoning
Help, this appeared overnight
pve tank build
Don’t you just love it when
Pvp tank build
DoT vs Anti DoT(Vigor) Fundemental System Issues.
TTK too long, Also AGS: Ultimate Tank build.
Action scene in an Indian movie. I know we just got a new hero, but damn, this dude would be awesome.
Action scene in an Indian movie
Dense mutator materia
The new OPR map looks interesting
PSA: The Case for Paid Runs in New World
Pvp help
Please bring pvp server artifacts to other servers
Thinking of jumping back in. Is it worth as pure solo?
The Weapon That Chalked Season 7 PvP
Anyone know any good money making methods?
Proof that the dev turnover rate is high at Amazon Games
For tanks in gorgons - benefits of doing it every week?
When can we have a buff/debuff UI overhaul?
Survivor's Coat - Usefulness since season 7 update.
AFKing in OPR should be a reportable offense
Really considering trying this game.
Resistance / Armor mitigation
High barrier to entry for end-end game