Can she pass as Russian/Tatar/Ukranian?
He looks mixed race, what do you think?
is viet negrito more korean or japan
Where can Turkish football player Bertuğ Yıldırım pass outside of Turkey?
Where does this malay family pass in??
Classify the Russian man
Italian IT specialist Filippo Fantini
Classify Brazilian from northeast
where does your moderator pass?
What’s his ethnicity?
Guess the ethnicity
Guess what is my ethnicity and what country
where can I pass + what’s my ethnicity
Classify the Russian in the first photo and the Norwegian in the second phono. Are they similar types?
Classify a man
Guess his ethnicity
Curious to know where people think I'm from.
Where would you pass this boy?
Classify the Russian basketball player
Where would he pass?
Ginger Asian. Can you guess her ethnicity?
Classify the Russian from Saint Petersburg
What phenotypes do I express?
Does he look Japanese?
Where does Zelensky pass?