Curaleaf Follow up
Waking early hours
Shrooms not for me?
New book for free: Psychedelic Therapy in Practice: Case Studies of Self-Treatment, Individual Therapy, and Group Therapy
WTF i´m felling suicidal after mushrooms, looking for advice
Antidepressants and Shrooms
Quit alcohol after bufo
How long left?
Tips for tapering off Citalopram (Celexa)
Tapering off 20mg
High Blood Pressure
What dose worked for you?
Reinstated @ 15 days
How much should I expect?
Adding lube before bedtime
smoking weed on citalopram
Just started taking citalopram. Any advice so I don't go full meltdown mode with the side effects?
Which psychotropic drugs were most compatible with your RLS?
Tapered and stopped 20mg Celexa after 7 years
Nervous about starting
Intrusive thoughts a month after coming off Citalopram
Anger coming off
Citalopram & smoking
Longtime lurker, first time poster. Success with opiates treatment.