Is cramping 1 month after Mirena IUD normal?
Is birth control the only option?
is it normal for uterus to double in size and volume?
Blood clots?
Do ya’lil ever skip a period and the next one is worse?
How long after stopping Norethindrone (0.35mg) did side effects go away?
Doctor said I’m too young for Metformin. Feeling lose and needing advice.
Surgery and I’m mentally struggling
Has anyone else experienced this in regards to their pcos diagnosis?
Is cramping right after menstrual cup removal normal?
When does your period officially begin?
I’m scared to go back to work. What should I do?
New sippy cup!
Overwashing down there?
Extremely painful pap smears?
I've been putting off my pap smear
Is Polyamory necessary in bdsm
Very heavy periods
Is it worth getting a dx if I'm never going to have kids?
I’m 26 is it too late to reverse PCOS
Sorry for the 3rd post today...
After surgery, do I *need* anyone's help while recovering? Do I need someone at the hospital with me?
Is it good to track symptoms for endometriosis?
what do you do for pain relief?