BFDIA 9 was voted the Weirdest BFDI episode. Now, what’s the Most Forgettable BFDI episode?
make her sick
When you accidentally hit ____ instead of snooze...
I'm seeing the new ___man movie tomorrow.
pick a number from 1 - 2,567
Dear spits of this board, what will my crush say when I ask her out?
I speak fluent ____________
Why do I need to reopen this??
Do it
would honey or carpenter be faster for this quest or is it like the exact same
Who's your favorite mechanical character?
I spy, with my little eye, something _____.
I'm bored can you guys spell pizza wrong
How I think BFDIA 19 cake at stake will go
What is one BFDI-TPOT joke that has always stuck with you? (I’ll go first…)
Honestly, ____ is actually kinda dumb.
best jnj song?
This hive...
An image you can hear.
Who's your favorite circular character?
K/R Seems like a hard decision to make...
Give her a very nice name please 🙏
If you could shoot lazers, what's the most creative thing you would do with it?
My many meme catalog (There’s many more. Some of these are autistic memes.)
What character is this?