Cut or bulk??
Which one to buy?
Dominos have lost their minds - this would have been £24.99 without deals
Who doesn’t love black and blue?
I never fapped
Handling steak
Handling meat
Topical testosterone on beard
First steak cooked in my life and eating proper meat after being 6 years vegan/veggie. What do you think? It was unbelievably delicious 🤤
If someone gave you $10,000 right now, what would you do?
Trt injection/ is this place correct
Is this craft good for T5? (20 essence)
What split do you recommend?
What’s the dumbest way you’ve injured yourself?
I relapsed after 33 days.
Can i just eat the clean looking ones?
9 day remaining for 90days no masturbating
Help my dad deleted my account four months ago and I don't want to lose it
Am I the only one who brings their cologne everywhere and smells it when they first get it ?
(32) from suicidal to (38) addicted to life
how do you guys sanitize your phones?
Tips to repair
Scared I've messed up my body
Are we all just screwed?
to the people who v* not too long ago