R.I.P. Black Cube Bug
Just finished Blood Omen 2 for the first time...
Vampire Raziel reference sheet by me :3
Wraith Raziel for my fan comics of the games
§ Has anyone read LoK fanfiction? Are there any worthy ones ? §
It’s time to remember the fallen ones. Dead Sun and Nosgoth
A dragon in BO1 ?!
LoK and music
A question about morality and blame
Who deserved better?
Elder God’s vision?
the genius of merging the 3 aspects
In MTG terms, what are the Hylden?
§ ? How was the paradox explained in BO1 when SR didn't even exist ? §
And if I tell them that they’re battling a giant squid, do you think their faith will falter?
Him falled into the water
What was Kains best BO2 outfit?
b e f o r e o u r e r a
Possible new story point - Kain siring new vampires
Did anyone else just kind of forget this level existed?
The complete lore of the legacy of Kain series
BO1 & 2 re-release
The Hylden as antagonists
My ultimate wish if this franchise successfully re-launches
Reboot of franchise