What’s your addiction that isn’t illegal or sexual in nature.
So disturbing you had to turn off
Do we have to check out?
We can’t give out room numbers
Guy pushes his girlfriend into a lake
Why are Xennials against their High School Reunion?
Someone in r/resin told me that you all might enjoy this necklace that I made with flowers that I collected on walks near my house.
How do you/did you dispose of used tampons?
What would you do if you retired right now?
What is one subject you hate people bringing up at work?
What do you *want* there to be after death?
What are you scared of as an adult that you weren’t scared of as a child?
What does America stand for these days?
What is going on with masculinity ?
Are you better off financially than your parents were at this age?
Activists, is this what growing old feels like?
People who weren't around in the later 90's would be amazed how positive and optimistic things *felt* back then
Will I ever sleep well again?
What's a band you liked, but now think they are cringy?
Pornography and Men
Adding ….. at a sentence?
how many of yall lied to people around you who you voted for?
Are you preserving your digital history?
When you’re driving and you know for a fact no one else is around, do you still use your turn signals?
When is the best time to have kids?