It used to be just 10 even with the additional spinning booster
Why do I get horny when I'm at a hotel?
woman fell 360ft into croc-infested water after bungee cord snapped
Just an appreciation post for our beautiful South Bay!
I’d appreciate your help in naming my painting. Thank you!!
Has anyone been to the new Cinema West yet??
Did SSRIs help you be a better parent
AITA for Telling My Friend She Couldn’t Bring Her Kid to My “Child-Free” Birthday Dinner?
I love doodlin' ✍🏻
How often do you forget someone’s name right after they introduce themselves?
Is my dog pregnant just found this dog
What did you just call me?!
If public nudity were legal everywhere, what would be the one thing stopping you from partaking in it?
What the gigglefuck should I name him
What's that one song that makes you tear up every time you hear it?
300 gold bars!
candy royale
What does my art sound like?
Fun little game- what breeds do you think our boy is? We're currently awaiting the results of his DNA test :)
Kermit the Dog would very much like a boop, please and thank you.