What to expect from the job market as a prospective student looking at KU Leueven's Buisness Engineering?
Can I apply for naturalization with a student visa?
My friend got accepted into the Quantum Tech Bachelor's in Aalto - what are the job opportunities?
Chance a Luxembourger for T10s
Can Anybody chance me for Oxbridge/Imperial?
How do I study Aerospace in TUM (Technical Uni of Munich)?
Care to answer a few questions about the CLAT?
Best ship designs overall for early/mid/late game?
DLC: Federations or MegaCorp? Which one should I get?
Should I go for 4dx pvr for Black Panther 2?
Any aswer?
Why is the first order so dumb in tlj?
Thoughts on Prequels?
Are the Sequels under rated?
Why Rey is a mary sue
Proof they were not paying attention to TLJ. Reva even took longer to decide not to kill Luke, after all Luke's thoughts "passed like a fleeting shadow".
No, the Obi-Wan Kenobi Series Doesn't Contradict A New Hope (SW Explained)
do you think rey is a mary sue?
Books with abnormally intelligent protagonists.
Poe Dameron
Can anyone help me?