Buying a new $12k truck
New old truck aldi owners problems and hailee eating wendy
Just going to leave this screenshot here.
Should I keep watching the show?
Dear Alan & Peacock….
Devil in the family
Farty Marty
jared waking kids up for chores
Thoughts on Lacey’s New Video
Lots of Mormon youtubers shown in new ruby franke documentary
The Traitors (USA) S03E10 "The Power of the Seer" Discussion Thread
Poll time friends
Say one nice thing about Danielle
Employees & Offices Outside Your Bedroom
Savannah / Lucas’s gf
Duck Goose
Such lazy slobs.
Mystery people living with them
Max GF always a 1 out 10 just like him. He the one with the 1-10 GF😭
Q and A with Jamie. Do you think they will ask her?
Who is best Silent Generation racer (Born in 1928-1945) from Amazing Race?
Most obnoxious character, and why?