What do you think of the resale?
I don't know what to do in my future
I love her but I don't know if I can
I'm tired of being Muslim
What if we are not destined?
Report problems falsely so that you do not receive the money
Did I leave Islam?
My classmates laugh at me for "Not being Muslim"
Seller reports false problems so I don't get my money
What do you think of Syna World clothing?
Have you ever been scammed on Vinted?
What is the worst or most unfair thing that has happened to you at Vinted?
I no longer know what to sell on Vinted
What do you think about the scams on Vinted?
What is the most horrible and unfair thing that has happened to you at Vinted?
Is resale recommended on Vinted?
Conocen alguien que venda botas de futbol?
What is the strangest thing that has happened to you on Vinted?
Is it advisable to resell items on Vinted?
Should I start reselling items on Vinted?
Cuál es vuestra camiseta de futbol favorita?
What sells the most on Vinted?
Cuál ha sido vuestra experiencia más injusta en Vinted?