She deserved that $20 and I’d do it again.
Associate of the year
dating policy
How do you guys feel about Penske truck rentals?
How often does home depot drug test?
I just don’t understand…
Tuition Reimbursement
Advice !!!
How do I view my annual income through workforce?
Who had their xmas party?
It’s a girl - why are people being weird?!
Paint Sticks
Fuck Daycare.
Can you reapply to HD after being terminated after 6 months or should i go to Lowes?
Do you guys also sign aprons for when an employee leaves?
Mental health infocus.
Let’s just defecate in the isles
How did you know?
What kind of chips??
Nervous for my new job!
Anyone named their kids
Why is Inuyasha so slept on?
Black Friday scams