When are they gonna help with abandonment issues?
Who did you think you were going to main before you started playing and who do you main now?
Is Home Depot a good job for a high schooler?
So done with this job
What is going on with my schedule?
Some things I don’t understand with ranked teammates (rant)
This is a loss btw.. (I’m the groot)
For those who close later today…
Managers complain about hours but don’t schedule people…
Best HP workstation laptop?
I find more and more reasons everyday to quit.
On the verge of quitting
Should I just talk to the service desk about this??
Schedule question.
Would this be considered damage 🤔
Does anyone know what this means?
How would you all value this card?
Just came back from this and mated them, is this an impressive comeback? (I’m black)
Why do I gain absolutely no percentage in duos ranked?!
Why is this ZERO percentage gain?!
9th place and 5 eliminations is only 20 percent
Does anyone else think the scheduling at Kroger sucks?
Hand written letter sent to my house because of my Yes on 1 sign in Central Ohio
Name a fighter that everyone loves but you don't really care for.